Best of Santa Fe

Best of Santa Fe 2022

BOSF (Emma Bagley)

The flowing fountain on the cover of this year’s Best of Santa Fe means more than the obvious, enduring respect and need for water in our city. It’s also a sign of the central hope that’s holding us all together the way surface tension holds a droplet, intermingled with repeating patterns and a creative birth. (Special thanks to artist Emma Bagley. See more of her work at

Every year, SFR invites readers to participate in two rounds of online voting to name the best places to play, shop, eat and do all of life’s activities. With 11 sections and 160+ categories in 2022, we endeavor to provide a cross section of what makes it all flow. First, readers write-in any organization, business or person in the appropriate category during the nomination round in February. Then, the top six in each category move on to the final ballot in May. First, second and third place are honored in this issue.

Find the small businesses, longtime nonprofits, new ventures, public servants, youth organizations, museums, galleries, festivals and more that our readers say are the most useful and hold dearest to their hearts listed in the pages that follow.

And, for the first time in two years, we’re returning to the Railyard for a winner showcase block party complete with music, giveaways and fun. Join us from 5 to 9 pm and find more information about the event here.

Letters to the Editor

Mail letters to PO Box 4910 Santa Fe, NM 87502 or email them to editor[at] Letters (no more than 200 words) should refer to specific articles in the Reporter. Letters will be edited for space and clarity.

We also welcome you to follow SFR on social media (on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) and comment there. You can also email specific staff members from our contact page.