Letters to the Editor


Cover, April 11:  “Nervous About Dating? #MeToo”

You Can’t Sit With Us

As a young, white, college-educated, masculine-centered, lesbian female, who regularly has hostile encounters with mostly middle-aged, mostly white men that have led to violent attacks, this article disheartened me. #MeToo is about those who have encountered abuse/rape/harassment not dating anxiety. Being that the article was about theoretical scenarios of violence and hostility, and moreover about dating anxiety, which occurs for all kinds of well founded reasons, I think it was an inappropriate time to include a conversation about #MeToo which is about something that has in fact happened. How about 'nervous about dating' #anxietyattackahh and start your own movement.

Sterling Fender
Santa Fe

Cover, March 28:  “Spring Poetry Search”

Well Done

I love all three poems! Having lived in Santa Fe and the Southwest, the landscape and environment in each of these poems calls me home. Antoinette—your poem is beautiful! Congratulations!

Victoria Yeary

Letters, March 7:  “Judging by the Cover”

A Different Take

I am a former SFUAD student, now graduate, who read the letter published concerning the cover story "Stairway to Nowhere." First and foremost, the title (which seemed to be the cause for the letter) accurately captures my SFUAD experience from day one. Though I made friendships and had a valuable education due to the efforts of incredible professors, defending even the campus seems like a desperate cling to yet another for profit institution. Let me rephrase that: I'm sure if you weren't financially on the hook for the terribly unsafe housing, lack of security and spontaneous fees, it must seem harsh. It isn't. I'm writing in as the largest part of former SFUAD students who are finding it difficult to defend any aspect of what happened. It is time now to separate the romance of the college experience from the destruction SFUAD ultimately caused on the lives of those speaking out as well as those staying quiet. I wish us all luck moving forward to brighter, more permanent things.

Salem Farrell
Santa Fe

Letters to the Editor

Mail letters to PO Box 4910 Santa Fe, NM 87502 or email them to editor[at]sfreporter.com. Letters (no more than 200 words) should refer to specific articles in the Reporter. Letters will be edited for space and clarity.

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