Best of Santa Fe 2019

Once we started adding new categories, we couldn't stop. The 2019 Best of Santa Fe annual readers' poll features a whopping 152 ways to win. Multiply that by three winners per category and we're talking—hold on while while we do the math—the potential for 456 organizations, businesses, people and places to get honors (with some well-deserved repeats).

We've been listening to reader feedback and tracking categories that get the most action, which led to some pragmatic additions to the list. Whether you're on the road or trying to get back on it (Best Tire Shop, Best Auto Body Shop) or making a transition (Best Movers, Best Cleaning Service, Best Construction Contractor), our readers will send you to the best. A whole new section covers kids, and we've added more wellness and fitness recommendations.

Readers voted online in May, choosing from nominees who were named in February's first round.

Watch for original Best of Santa Fe winner banners all over town, and be sure to join us this Friday night (that's July 26) at our annual block party in the Railyard from 5 to 9 pm.

Visit the SFR booth near the beer garden to get a free sticker version of the cover art by Sienna Luna or a matchbook celebrating SFR's 45th birthday, and to try your arm at the dunk tank.

Plus, we've got cover T-shirts from the last three years and other original designs for sale there and at

Staff Picks

Reader’s Choice:

Letters to the Editor

Mail letters to PO Box 4910 Santa Fe, NM 87502 or email them to editor[at] Letters (no more than 200 words) should refer to specific articles in the Reporter. Letters will be edited for space and clarity.

We also welcome you to follow SFR on social media (on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) and comment there. You can also email specific staff members from our contact page.