Worst of Santa Fe? Yes, It's Live Too

By now, you probably know that voting is live for SFR's annual Best of Santa Fe reader poll. But did you know that there's also a Worst of Santa Fe poll out there?


Updated 2 pm Thursday: So, bear with us, still getting this story straight...but SFR just spoke with musician (and former Corazón owner) Mikey Baker, who tells us he actually had the "Worst of Santa Fe" idea about three months ago—not necessarily as a response to SFR's "Best of Santa Fe" poll, but just as a cool idea.

Santa Fean Alexis Brown took the idea and ran with it, creating a Facebook event that, last we checked, has about 143 attendees.

More from Baker later. For now, category nominations have closed on the "Worst of Santa Fe" Facebook event, but folks are still posting them. Scroll down for some of the good ones, and stay tuned for more updates.

"Worst Past Life Regression Therapist"

"Worst thing you've overheard whilst waiting in line at the DMV just before breaking off a relationship via text."

"Worst reason for moving to Santa Fe"

"Worst person you are in a relationship with right now"

(My personal favorite: Gabe Gomez' "Worst thing you can do on FB that will create unending feedback.")

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