7 Days

7 Days

for the week of May 22, 2024

1. NRA sues New Mexico over seven-day waiting period

Citing its violation of the country’s instant gratification amendment

2. Cities of Santa Fe and Albuquerque unveil Zozobra hot air balloon

Mayors of each city found common ground on the issue of hot air

3. Investors drop lawsuit against Former House Speaker Brian Egolf and wife Kelly’s juice company

The couple celebrated with double-shots of wheatgrass

4. Trap House now filming in Albuquerque

But will it earn a statue of a trap house?

5. City of Santa Fe submits 2023 audit just one day late

So, actually early in government time

6. Elm seed bugs invading New Mexico

At least they’re not driving up home prices

7. Endangered lizard could slow oil and gas drilling in New Mexico

As could a giant lizard with super powers (hypothetically)

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