Have you heard the one about how living in Santa Fe is like living in the gay 90s? Either you’re gay or you’re 90. That’s a little over the top, but the truth can hurt a little. And that’s why I really appreciate the Santa Fe Reporter. Every week I look forward to seeing its take on Santa Fe in the free Wednesday edition.
In an increasingly gray world, the Reporter is bright, fresh, funny and incisive. It looks more deeply into the issues that plague us locally, the questions that linger unanswered, and even if the truth hurts, it lays it out for us all to see. People of any age or affiliation can turn to its pages, because you can find your community in the voices of its writers and the people they talk to.
I grew up here, and I appreciate the institutions that nurture the spirit of Santa Fe. I was 14 when the Santa Fe Reporter published its first edition in 1974, and the Reporter remains an independent and progressive voice that shows us ways in which Santa Feans work to bring more equity and fairness to our community. It also challenges those who don’t, making it a countercultural gem. These qualities are what Santa Fe’s all about and worth defending. Plus it’s free, and—admit it—if you grew up here, you know you love a bargain. A free, weekly newspaper? Thank you for this generosity for the past 49 years.
So, if you care about Santa Fe, the entire spectrum of it, you have to care about the Reporter and its well-being. It’s the one gift you can make that keeps on giving, week after week, that builds community and brings accountability to our increasingly complicated world. (Click here to donate now.)
—Sarah Noss, Santa Fe Conservation Trust executive director