
Be a Business Friend

‘It is what we ... do for each other’

We at Egolf + Ferlic + Martinez + Harwood, Attorneys at Law, are thrilled to be among the very first Business Friends of the Reporter. We appreciate local businesses providing services to locals; it is what we do, it is what the staff and reporters at SFR do, and it is what we hope to encourage other local businesses to do for each other.

We are also proud to support the journalism training for students that has been pioneered by editor and publisher Julie Ann Grimm, former editor Julia Goldberg and others through the New Mexico Fund for Public Interest Journalism. Furthermore, SFR won a national competitive grant to fund additional reporting on the vibrant and underserved Southside of Santa Fe. The Report for America program recognized Santa Fe and the Reporter for this opportunity to expand journalism in our city. That kind of recognition and investment of resources from outside of our state is rare and should be celebrated. The local reporting needs are great in this small town and capital city, and the SFR team has worked hard on new tools and techniques to bring funding to local Santa Fe journalism.

I am an avid consumer of journalism—global, state, national and local. I know I am up to date on local news, at least, when I read an issue of the Reporter or check out their website.

Throughout Wednesday, you hear folks comparing their favorite among the 7 Days list of short-form news title and commentary plus graphic. For those of you interested in local politics, as some of us are, the Reporter's election night coverage is a treat. And then last week, a story on the presidential election ran in collaboration with a paper in the industry group to which it belongs, the Association of Alternative Newsmedia, bringing an easy-to-read independent journalism national perspective to our pages.

The fierce but tiny Santa Fe Reporter team takes on stories that you don't read anywhere else. They are a different voice for the City Different. We can't afford to lose that.

I know many local business owners and residents are avid news consumers as well. Please join us by making a donation as you are able or by joining Business Friends of the Reporter. It's BFOR in my notes. (Acronyms make everything better.)


Kyle Harwood On behalf of Egolf + Ferlic + Harwood + Martinez


We made it easy to honor SFR's birth in 1974 and to secure its future with a one-time or recurring donation. Individuals can sign up at the $9.74 per month level or go the extra mile and donate $19.74 per month to be our BFF. Get merch promos codes, monthly giveaways and more!

Organizations that donate $500 per year as Business Friends of the Reporter get perks such as discounts on digital ads.

Letters to the Editor

Mail letters to PO Box 4910 Santa Fe, NM 87502 or email them to editor[at] Letters (no more than 200 words) should refer to specific articles in the Reporter. Letters will be edited for space and clarity.

We also welcome you to follow SFR on social media (on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) and comment there. You can also email specific staff members from our contact page.