Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor


(Anson Stevens-Bollen)

News, March 13: “SFR’s Next Era”

Saluting JAG

On behalf of grateful friends and community members of Julie Ann Grimm, former editor/ publisher of the Santa Fe Reporter, we salute an amazing journalist and media “maven”. She led her SFR teams to doggedly seek out community news that made us better citizens and human beings! Her fearlessness in pursuit of truth, dedication to integrity, commitment to diversity and our unique culture, and her perseverance for leading SFR through the challenging landscape of journalism. JAG might be seen at arroyo clean-ups, restaurant tastings, ribbon cuttings, PBS round tables, city council meetings, Roundhouse hearings, and in-depth interviews with politicians, nonprofit leaders and concerned citizens. Wherever she was, it was evident that she put her brain, heart, and soul into her work on our behalf. She will be missed at SFR, but stay tuned for her next story!

Sheila Hyde

Santa Fe

Online, March 17: “Flights of Fancy”

The Airport Different

We hoped to be pleasantly surprised. We met what looked like a doctor’s office. Not the warm, welcoming look of Santa Fe.

Santa Fe has truly become the City Similar. Ultramodern, sterile, box-store chic. No imagination.

We sorely wish we had taken photos of the airport building before this rack and ruin. We remember, even, days we could find (now and then) a parking space by the front door. We remember three ticketing windows, an odd trolley luggage claim combined with passenger unloading, two—count’em two!—gates, one TSA guard, a sporadically staffed snack “restaurant”. All in a warm cozy Santa Fe style corridor.

Now (in at least the “sneak peek” area) is a boxed windowed entryway groomed with elevator music leading to huge sterile smooth-walled rat-trap box. With smooth posts bearing free brochures. And for now, a seating arena for listening to speechifying by proud politicians (which we meekly ignored and left along smooth walkways next to lots reserved for “events”).

And we drove home through the waxing suburbia of the City Similar.

Albo P Fossa

Santa Fe

SFR Picks, March 6: “Outside Bones”

Don’t Miss Out

I attended the Santa Fe Playhouse opening nights of both Or, and Born With Teeth—two plays by the brilliant Liz Duffy Adams that are running in rep through March 31. The outstanding Playhouse season of 2023 is clearly going to be matched, if not exceeded, by the work they are doing in 2024. Both plays are funny, smart and full of surprises, and I found Born With Teeth to be especially moving. These productions more than meet the standard of excellence in acting, directing, scenery, costumes and lights that the Playhouse has set for itself over the past two years. If any of your readers have yet to experience the pleasure that is the Santa Fe Playhouse, I strongly suggest that they hurry to www.santafeplayhouse.org and get tickets before it’s too late!

Bill Wesbrooks

Santa Fe

Morning Word, March 19: SCOTUS Rebuffs Cowboys for Trump Griffin’s Appeal

Buff It Up

CG *should* be rebuffed (and buffed, and de-buffed, and post-buffed). Not your father’s cowboy.

Joe Fatton, via Facebook

Letters to the Editor

Mail letters to PO Box 4910 Santa Fe, NM 87502 or email them to editor[at]sfreporter.com. Letters (no more than 200 words) should refer to specific articles in the Reporter. Letters will be edited for space and clarity.

We also welcome you to follow SFR on social media (on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) and comment there. You can also email specific staff members from our contact page.