Meow Wolf Announces Yet Another Expansion—Phoenix, Arizona

New perma-installation to include music venue, 400-room hotel

The dust has barely settled on Meow Wolf's announcement that Washington, DC, would join the ranks of upcoming expansions alongside Denver, Colorado, and Las Vegas, Nevada, and the Santa Fe arts mega-corp has revealed plans for yet another location, this time in Phoenix, Arizona.

As announced on their website Friday evening, Meow Wolf's newest expansion will become part of Roosevelt Row, an ultra-hip (and reportedly ultra-walkable) arts district. The space is set to include a 10,000-square-foot concert venue, a 75,000-square-foot installation and a 400-room concept hotel which will reportedly feature faux glamping, capsule rooms a hostel environment, "absurd luxury suites" and more. Also announced is a partnership with Phoenix's True North Studio, a development firm that has worked across continents for projects in excess of $3 billion.

A specific timeline has not been laid out, though Meow Wolf has stated that the Washington, DC, expansion is slated for 2022, so it would make sense for Phoenix to premier some time after. We'll update this story with any new information we receive.

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