Alex De Vore

Alex De Vore

Alex De Vore spent his formative years in Santa Fe involved heavily in the all-ages music scene and Warehouse 21, where he promoted shows for years. He has worked with bands like The Velvet-Teen, Mike Park, Mu330, As Tall As Lions, and Japan's Polysics just to name a few. You might even find Alex playing music himself as his somehow weepier alter-ego, i heart metal. After living in Northern California for 3 years, Alex returned for no good reason at all, and wound up hosting the Geeks Who Drink Pub Quiz. Alex will beat you at Street Fighter, and wants you to play Call of Duty with him. Alex loves tattoos and cats. Alex winks at the night sky, which whispers to him, "You are everything."

SFR Picks: July 3, 2024

Music, fireworks, wine (repeat)

By Alex De Vore and Lauren Lifke