Summer Guide

Summer Guide: Introduction

The heat is on—and we’ve got you covered

(Anson Stevens-Bollen)

Ah, summer in Santa Fe. Are there more beautiful words for the people who live here? Not likely, because this is a town that knows how to do summertime right. OK, we do winter pretty well, too, but you can practically hear the energy humming in the streets with anticipation—it’s warmer, there’s more to do and the evenings are drop-dead gorgeous. But with the entire city coming alive with gusto, how do we even begin to make the most out of the next three months? A little planning goes a long way, and we’re here to help. Within our 2024 Summer Guide, find plenty of suggestions for catching films, concerts and other events. Or maybe it’s time to pack up the car for a day trip out of town. You’ll meet people who ride bikes or skate by night, find Santa Fe Opera tailgating prompts and discover a gallery show or two (or three) worth your time. There’s more where that came from, too. Read on.

The 2024 Summer Music Lineup

Listen up for can’t-miss concerts indoors and out

Five Day Trips For Families

Head in any direction for fun with the fam

Summer at the Cinema

Enjoy the AC with a new Bad Boys and other blockbusters

All Skate!

Lace up for Santa Fe Skate Nights under a full moon

Save the Date

Make way for markets, festivals and more

Howls of the Night Riders

Find new bike besties and/or hit the trails

Beneath the Surface

Prepare to forage safely

Just Keep Swimming

Splash around in cool and warm bodies of water

Tailgate Takeout

Chow down in the Santa Fe Opera parking lot with mini-sakes, macarons and boule

Summer Gallery Openings

Feast upon a cornucopia of visual arts

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