Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor


(SFR File Photo)

Online, Jan. 17: Oil and Gas Session Outlook

Industry, yes

New Mexico’s state legislators are considering a series of potential bills this year that could significantly impact energy production in the state. With future energy security and economic development on the line, state leaders should carefully consider their options.

In New Mexico, the oil and natural gas industry supports jobs for over 92,000 workers, equal to 8.5% of state employment. Additionally, the industry provides more than 50% of the state’s overall budget, generating $13.9 billion in state and local revenue for FY23.

Beyond the numbers, these businesses are constantly innovating to produce energy resources cleaner, better and safer. In their operations, companies are advancing proven technologies and practices that provide public health and environmental protections, lower emissions and produce affordable, reliable energy that powers New Mexico and supports the economy.

State leaders should enact policies that help ensure New Mexico’s energy security. This includes policies that open more public lands for oil and natural gas production, limit burdensome permitting regulations and encourage all kinds of energy development.

The Land of Enchantment can lead American energy production for decades to come. Leaders in Santa Fe should support policies that make this possible.

Holly Hopkins, vice president of upstream policy, The American Petroleum Institute

AC, Jan. 31: The Space Race

Happy together

Having once run that space when it was the original, and at the time only Santa Fe film festival as our year-round film center, this news makes me happy to hear that the space will be used for performance. And yes, we do need a venue that size and this has been said by locals and out-of-town artists. Bravo...some hope! Thanks for reporting on it y’all.

Stephen Jules Otis Career Rubin, Santa Fe

Letters to the Editor

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