Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor


(Anson Stevens-Bollen)

Cover, Jan. 10:Keeping Score

Where it begins

The education of a child begins around the age of one at home. Just simple songs and stories repeated will help. You can pay teachers 100k a year and test until the cows come home. You’ll get the same results if you don’t get help starting in the home. I was told a few years ago by a teacher in Santa Fe. An “A” student in New Mexico would be a “C” student out of state. The educational system had been dumbed down. For a student to drop out of school, the student has to have the parent or guardian sign a consent. What does that tell you?

R. Audain, Santa Fe

News, Jan. 17: Waldorf 2.0

Carry on

I would like to commend the board and families involved in forging a new direction for the continuance of the Waldorf school. Their love for the heart of what a Waldorf education may bring in nourishing young children and burgeoning adults has sustained their passionate engagement and efforts, while stepping forward to take responsibility that Waldorf education in Santa Fe may find its ground and go forward. This practical application of transforming the creative Waldorf curriculum and holistic approach to education into a charter school is courageous and speaks of their devotion and commitment to the principles inherent in growth and change. May the new Sangre de Cristo Waldorf School flourish and become all the board, families and the community it serves.

Maggie Lee, Santa Fe

Opinion, Jan. 2:Missed Opportunity

Dodged a bullet

I wonder what the agenda is of people writing…in support of Avangrid. Anyone can look up Avangrid’s reputation and see it’s horrible with consumers, and that New Mexico dodged a bullet doggedly aimed at it for three years. Why would anyone want to partner with a company infamous for the consumer pain it causes wherever it’s established?

Elissa Heyman, Santa Fe

Letters to the Editor

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