Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor


(Anson Stevens-Bollen)

News, Dec. 20: Fixed on the Future

Respect the fringe

So Pilar Faulkner doesn’t want to bring “fringe people” into the conversation about the Plaza obelisk, and goes on to say some pretty libelous things about “fringe people.” And then a few sentences later she says that she hopes to be a “unifying force.” Such hypocrisy! Since so many of us could be categorized as “fringe people” for one or more reasons—LGBT or because we are not Hispanic or White, or because we are low-income in an affluent town, or perhaps disabled, or supportive of Native American rights and sovereignty. How does she expect to be a “unifying force” when she says nasty things about and discounts a good segment of our town? I’m alarmed to see someone with such prejudiced views on our City Council.

Ellen Ackerman, Santa Fe

Online, Jan. 2: Avangrid Pulls Plug on PNM Merger

Missed opportunity

Really disappointing, but can’t say I’m surprised. This proposal has been on the table for three years and been subject to multiple delays and influence of groups with their own personal agendas to create a government-run utility. Such a shame for New Mexico to miss out on the opportunity to pair with a renewable giant as we embark on this clean energy transition.

Nicole Acosta, via Facebook

Had it with waiting

Avangrid had finally had it with the waiting game our lame government put them through. When the corrupt former [Public Regulation Commission] made the terrible decision to reject the merger, that runaway train couldn’t be stopped. This has been going on since 2020…How long were they supposed to wait? And what will happen now? Do we really want a government run utility?? I don’t think so.

Terrye Mola, via Facebook

Letters to the Editor

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