Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor


(Mo Charnot)

News, Nov. 22:Long Ride

A second look

Thanks for your follow-up on the issues with bus routes. Our kids deserve better. Publicity may force the district to look at options they have not wanted to consider. Good Job!!

Susan Dorn, Santa Fe

News, Nov. 22: Under-Protected

DV disregard

This is just terrible and another symptom of our society’s disregard for women. This man should have been put behind bars.

Jayne Sinaloa via Facebook

Morning Word, Nov. 29: Author John Nichols Dies

Mourning and action

Most people in New Mexico are still feeling a great loss at the passing of wonderful, talented and entertaining John Nichols, myself included.

Also this past week two extraordinary women left our planet: [former First Lady] Rosalynn Carter and [former US Supreme Court Justice] Sandra Day O’Connor.

Carter was widely admired for her support for families, especially her diligent work to pass the ERA (the Equal Rights Amendment). Her funeral on television was both heartwarming and poignant, her 100-year-old husband in attendance. Her son spoke beautifully about his mother and all her accomplishments.

Day O’Connor, in her home state of Arizona, tried unsuccessfully to pass a referendum on the ERA. She said the ERA “stands in the tradition of other great amendments in the constitution.” She was right then, she still is. She served as the first woman on the Supreme Court and retired to be at home with her ill husband.

Let us all reflect on these amazing people and continue to improve our lives in ways they will continue to inspire us. And to work to pass the ERA!!

Dana Middleton, Santa Fe

Letters to the Editor

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