Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor


(Alex De Vore)

Food, June 21:Café Fina, You So Fine

Best directions

Let’s remember that when we give Texans directions out of town, we don’t send them by Café Fina (sorry, Murph).

Patrick Delaney, Eldorado

News, June 21: High-Needs Help

Global education

It is clear through the Santa Fe Public Schools Board of Education’s consideration of a $1.5 million contract, education is important to New Mexico. Staff shortages have complicated the issue, emphasizing the need for support in education both here and beyond.

In foreign countries, education is an incredible privilege and needs US support more than ever. According to The Borgen Project, a national nonprofit working to fight extreme global poverty by making poverty a focus of US foreign aid, increased education in developing nations has been proven to reduce poverty, increase incomes and economic growth, foster peace, reduce child marriage and maternal death, decrease violence and extremism, promote gender equality and save lives.

Currently, 260 million children around the globe do not have access to quality education. A bill that addresses this is the READ (Reinforcing Education Accountability in Development) Act, a piece of legislation that was signed into law in 2017 and needs reauthorization for five more years of investment in life-saving education.

I call on Sen. Martin Heinrich, Sen. Ben Ray Luján and Rep. Teresa Leger Fernandez to support the READ Act Reauthorization Act of 2023.

Kylie Garcia, Borgen Project Ambassador, Albuquerque

Letters to the Editor

Mail letters to PO Box 4910 Santa Fe, NM 87502 or email them to editor[at]sfreporter.com. Letters (no more than 200 words) should refer to specific articles in the Reporter. Letters will be edited for space and clarity.

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