Letters to the Editor


(Anson Stevens-Bollen)

7 Days, Jan. 29:

Ageism is Discrimination

I'm really sick and tired of the Reporter's casual snarkiness towards seniors. This is the second time I've seen the same, tired (and unfunny) line used—basically "not for you, old people."

Would you ever say, "not for you, people of color?"

This is the second time we've called you out on your ageism.

So here's some information that may be hard for you to get. I'm 67 and I like Billie Eilish's music and yeah, I think her hair is pretty cool too. Thanks for reducing me, one of your readers, to a stereotype.

This persistent ageism is your ageism, Ms. Editor—since you either write this column or you're cool with the author's prejudice.

I'm not holding out any hope that you'll print this second request to cut it out and/or seriously reflect on the truth, that what's really hip and cool is to not be prejudiced and cruel—at any age.

Trey Berndt
Santa Fe

Cover, Jan. 29: “25 Things We Love”

I <3 Community College

I imagine the letters are pouring in in response to "25 Things We Love About Santa Fe Right Now." With such a short list, you're bound to miss some stuff!

I would have included the Santa Fe Community College, because wherever you go in our fair city—be it the dentist, the grocery store, the library, or Dr. Field Goods—you're bound to receive service or care from a poised and empowered SFCC grad.

SFCC has a smart, forward-thinking president at the helm, a freshly-minted faculty union and several promising new board members—not to mention an amazing and dynamic student body. There's no better time to celebrate the college's efforts and acknowledge its impact. With excellent services, low costs, and a top-notch faculty, SFCC is one of the things I love most about the City Different.

Kate McCahill,
Associate Professor, SFCC


Our blurb on Chainbreakers in last week's cover stated that the minimum purchase threshold for an annual bike pass rebate is $240; it is actually $200.

In last week's piece "On The Cutting Edge of Water Efficiency," we regrettably mispelled the name of Paper Dosa owner Paulraj Karuppasamy.

Letters to the Editor

Mail letters to PO Box 4910 Santa Fe, NM 87502 or email them to editor[at]sfreporter.com. Letters (no more than 200 words) should refer to specific articles in the Reporter. Letters will be edited for space and clarity.

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