Cover Stories

Photo Contest Winners 2024

Eight photos with visions of New Mexico off the beaten path

(Zubin Stillings / By Gary Pikarsky / Everly Coleman)

The panel of professional photographers who served as guest judges for the 2024 SFR Photo Contest say choosing just eight winners proved to be a difficult task.

“What a great reminder that photography remains alive and well in our creative community,” says David Scheinbaum, of Scheinbaum & Russek LTD and College of Santa Fe professor emeritus.

Anne Kelly, photo-eye gallery director and one of Scheinbaum’s former students, says she saw a number of common threads in her favorite images.

“The element of mystery makes me revisit the photograph repeatedly, often discovering something new each time,” she says. “The other through-line in most images is that they convey the experience of living in Santa Fe without being images you would typically find on a postcard. "

For CENTER Santa Fe Programs Manager Whitney Wernick, the project served as a chance to consider photographers’ motivations.

“The choice to stop and document a person, moment, view, pet, anything while the seconds and minutes spin fast around us makes your whole body and meaning tingle. Or, at least, mine does!” she says.

View large-format versions in a pop-up gallery and silent auction to benefit student journalism training.


6 - 7:30 pm, Thursday Feb. 22

Violet Crown Cinema, 1606 Alcaldesa St.

Special thanks to sponsors Monsoon Design and Ohori’s.

Faces 1st

(Zubin Stillings)

Santa Fe Life, from a roof on West Alameda

By Zubin Stillings

Santa Fe

Places 1st

(Nancy Egan)

Lupita on Alameda

By Nancy Egan

Alameda and Galisteo, Santa Fe

Movement 1st

(Everly Coleman)

Ad Astra

By Everly Coleman

US 84 heading towards Abiquiu

Odd 1st

(Nancy Egan)


By Nancy Egan

Santa Fe

Faces 2nd

(Carl Coan)

Lil’ Bug, Loal Tucker Horsemanship

By Carl Coan


Places 2nd

(Jon Dick)

Balloon Shadow

By Jon Dick

Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta

Movement 2nd

(Jennifer Catright)

Gorge Bridge at Speed

By Jennifer Catright

Taos Gorge

Odd 2nd

(Gary Pikarsky)


By Gary Pikarsky


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