Bid farewell to churches, meandering cowboys, sunsets on doorways and dogs in the park. Say hello to faces, places, objects in motion and overall oddities.

SFR’s Photo Contest collects community submissions each year, and, for 2023, as we return to our first in-person pop-up show after two years of pandemic hiatus, our judges asked for works that might cover new and interesting territory. The hundreds of photographs we received tickled our collective fancies.

On the cover, find the first-ever winning image captured via drone, as videographer Nate Reininga pilots a craft high above Conchas Lake to catch a jet ski making a spiral on the surface of the water for first place in our Movement category. Reininga, a Santa Fe native who recently moved back home from a stint in Brooklyn, tells SFR he got into drone videography about seven years ago and loves that it combines his obsession with flying and appreciation of the outdoors.

While you can peruse the first and second-place winners in this week’s cover story, please come see them in person this week and consider joining us for a silent auction of the work to benefit student journalism training.


6 - 7:30 pm, Thursday Feb. 16 Violet Crown Cinema, 1606 Alcaldesa St.

Special thanks to sponsors Monsoon Design and Ohori’s.

1st Place: Faces

'Andrea Lozano-Ortega' Santa Fe (Malikai Mitchell)

1st Place: Places

'Home of the Brave' Santa Fe National Cemetery (Marc Forlenza)

1st Place: Movement

'Spiral' Conchas Lake, Summer 2022 (Nate Reininga)

1st Place: Odd

'Ashes' Madrid (Mudmittens)

2nd Place: Faces

'Chiefo Sanchez with Felecia Ford Band' Santa Fe Bandstand (James Cleveland Watley)

2nd Place: Places

'Arch Enemy' Santa Fe (Anthony Pappalardo)

2nd Place: Movement

'Fire on the Mountain' Cañones (Pamela Ouaou)

2nd Place: Odd

'Unseen' MEA Ranch near Santa Fe (Richard Winston)
Letters to the Editor

Mail letters to PO Box 4910 Santa Fe, NM 87502 or email them to editor[at] Letters (no more than 200 words) should refer to specific articles in the Reporter. Letters will be edited for space and clarity.

We also welcome you to follow SFR on social media (on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) and comment there. You can also email specific staff members from our contact page.