Best in Class

2014 Best of Santa Fe

(Anson Stevens-Bollen)

hat do you think about upon hearing the word “best”? A favorite, a standout, any of the synonyms that comprise the trophy in our cover. A product, service, person or experience that unexpectedly blew your socks off and became an insta-fave.

In prepping this issue a simple questions was asked to our editorial staff: What is the best you experience in your everyday life? And so, some 50 or so entries that fleck our issue starting on the next page were born.

We also tallied our readers and asked you to sound off. We got an unprecedented number of votes exalting everything from best pet food store and dentist to alt-country. Your guide to the best Santa Fe has to offer starts here.

As Santa Feans we're used to the best. We invite you to use this special issue as your map to all the excellence that dwells as your doorstep ends.

Need a little ditty to sing while reading? Take these Tina Turner lyrics to heart: "You're simply the best, better than all the rest / Better than anyone, anyone I've ever met / Tear us apart, baby I would rather be dead."

Granted, the best green chile cheeseburger in town isn't worth dying over. Oh, who are we kidding? Of course it is.

Blurbs by Alex De Vore, Rob DeWalt, Julie Ann Grimm, Zoe Haskell, Justin Horwath, Enrique Limón, Ian MacMillan, Joey Peters & JP Stupfel

Illustrations by Anson Stevens-Bollen


Santa Fe Reporter

Letters to the Editor

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We also welcome you to follow SFR on social media (on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) and comment there. You can also email specific staff members from our contact page.