
7 Days


1. New video shows Albuquerque police on horseback chasing shoplifter

Thus creating a new category for equestrians

2. Officials consider new ways to improve train safety at Railyard

All options are on the table as long as they don’t interfere with any of the half-dozen breweries surrounding the tracks

3. City Council passes unfunded plan to improve bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure

Because you can’t put a price tag on political posturing

4. Santa Fe Police Department announces 30-day spring “blitz” on the city’s most accident-prone streets

Ones with Santa Fe drivers on them, that is

5. City considers renaming Fort Marcy Park Zozobra Field at Fort Marcy Park, and approving a monument and time capsule.

Let’s hope it fares better than the other monuments

6. California judge recommends Santa Fe resident and former Trump lawyer John Eastman lose his CA license for trying to interfere with the 2020 presidential election

But if he wants to run for president, that’s just fine

7. City of Santa Fe demonstrates model for emergency evacuation in case of disaster.

Plan also works for escaping Texans

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