New Mexico Now Has 17 COVID-19 Cases

Updated: Ski Santa Fe closes for season in response

Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham addresses the state in a news conference March 13 with state epidemiologist Chad Smelser. (Courtesy KRQE Channel 13)
On Sunday afternoon, state health officials announced three new presumptive positive tests for three Bernalillo men, in their 20s, 30s and 40s. That brings the state total to 17 cases. A health department spokeswoman tells SFR all three cases were travel related, and all three people are isolated at home.
On Saturday, New Mexico state health officials announced three new cases for COVID-19: a Sandoval County woman in her 60s, a Sandoval County man in her 60s and a Bernalillo County woman in her 50s.
The New Mexico Department of Health said in a news release it has active investigations into each of the presumptive positive patients, which includes contact-tracing and swabs of symptomatic individuals who have had contact with the positive cases.
On Sunday, Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham also announced a directive that accelerates remote-work for employees. That includes finalizing remote work arrangements for employees, limiting staff at in-person offices, such as the Motor Vehicle divisions and closing all state museums, parks and cultural institutions as of Monday.

Also on Saturday, the state Department of Health announced it has ordered nursing homes to limit visitation to people whose loved ones are receiving end-of-life care.

Those visitors are required when visiting to:

• have their temperatures and visitors with a temperature who have a temperature that is over 100 degrees Fahrenheit or have signs of respiratory infection should be barred from entry and advised to seek medical attention;
• thoroughly wash hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based sanitizer if soap and water are not available;
• be escorted by facility staff to and from the patient’s room; and can’t be out of the room unescorted.
The Aging and Long-Term Services Department has nine cameras to help people remain connected to family members/loved ones and, by March 16, will have 350 tablets that families can use for electronic visits.
The health department says its order also “targets” facilities that provide assisted living, adult day care, hospice and rehabilitation for older adult patients. Facilities housing or providing services to older adults “are strongly encouraged to implement the recommendations as is reasonably appropriate.”
On Friday, state epidemiologist Chad Smelser discussed four new cases at a press conference in which school closings—ordered Thursday by Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham—also were discussed.

Those included three Bernalillo cases, one man in his 50s is isolated at home, as is a woman in her 70s. A third man, in his 80s, has been hospitalized. The Santa Fe woman also has isolated at home.

The person with the first Santa Fe case—a woman in her 60s—has also been hospitalized, Smelser says, and is in the intensive care unit. Both hospitalized patients were stabilized as of yesterday.

Smelser says the health department undertakes an extensive investigation of any presumptive cases, interviewing household members, testing when they have symptoms, and tracking their whereabouts during the 14-day incubation period. In response to a question, Smelser said there has been contact with area schools, uncovered through the "contract tracing" the department undertakes. Both he and Lujan Grisham emphasized the need to protect patients' privacy.

"We tend not to name schools and other institutions that might allow for the identification for the patients and their families," Smelser said. "We consider their privacy to be incredibly important to them as well as to our investigation so we don't have unwanted interruptions and effectively try to prevent spread in our communities."

Secretary of Human Services  David Scrase emphasized the importance of social isolation to flatten the curve when it comes to spreading the infection, noting that closing schools had reduced the spread of H1N1 in 2009 in Texas, Alberta, Canada and Mexico City.

Closing the schools only works, Srase said, "if families take this seriously and adopt a principle of social isolation. If we close schools and everyone goes to the park and kids are interacting with each other, that's not social isolation. We're really asking families of New Mexico to help us with this and understand this concept of social isolation."

Education Secretary Ryan Stewart, calling the decisions to close schools "very difficult," said the state is working with all the school districts and charter schools to maintain cafeteria service through the closures, "organizing grab and go meal programs and working with other state agencies to distribute meals to kids who aren't able to come into school to get their daily meals."

Stewart said the state is waiving required instructional hours—meaning school districts will not have to make up hours lost during the closures, and working with districts to provide distance learning programs. There will be no gaps in payment to school employees, he said.

Lujan Grisham said childcare also will be available under a still-developing plan.

As for other New Mexico workers whose jobs are impacted by COVID-19, Department of Workforce Solutions Secretary Bill McCamley said beginning at 8 am on Monday the department would be waiving work-search requirements and will be "as flexible and open as we possibly can." An online form will be available to apply on the state website, he said.

The state Economic Development Department announced today two means of support for businesses impacted by COVID-19. These include a COVID-19 business loan guarantee program that will guarantee a portion of a loan or line of credit up to 80% of principal or $50,000.

Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham has also authorized the Economic Development Department to make no-interest loans to assist COVID-19 impacted businesses as well through the Local Economic Development Act.

Early Childhood Education Secretary Elizabeth Groginsky said her department would be conferring on a call with providers this afternoon and is "putting together an FAQ" that will be available later today "and making sure our parents, our families and our providers have access to us."

Superintendent of Insurance Russell Toal also announced today that health insurers can't impose copays, coinsurance or deductibles for COVID-19 testing or health care for New Mexicans, under an emergency rule issued today. The rule also covers pneumonia, influenza, or any disease or condition that is the subject of a public health emergency.

If consumers believe they have been unfairly billed for testing or treatment of COVID-19, they should contact the Office of the Superintendent Insurance Managed Health Care Bureau at 1-855-427-5674.

Toal also issued ordered major medical coverage and insurers that provide limited benefits coverage to notify their members whether and to what extent their policies cover testing and health care services related to COVID-19, and to advise of available full coverage options as needed. A second order requires limited benefit plan providers (such as workers compensation and automobile medical payment insurance) to let members know if their plans lack comprehensive medical coverage and provide information on where they should go to check on their eligibility to apply for and obtain such coverage.

"Gov. Lujan Grisham has made clear that New Mexico will take aggressive, proactive steps to contain and prevent the spread of COVID-19. A key part of that strategy is ensuring access to free, high-quality care, including testing and treatment," said Superintendent Toal. "We thank New Mexico insurers for cooperating with OSI in the formulation of this rule."

Toal's office does not have oversight for large employers, such as the state of New Mexico, but Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham has announced the state workers' health plan will follow the same guidelines Toal issued for private providers.

In city news, Santa Fe announced that as of  Monday, March 16, all public libraries and recreation centers will be closed.  The Municipal Recreation Sports Complex will remain open. All City closures, event / meeting cancellations, and postponements are effective through Sunday, April 5, 2020.

Over the weekend, Ski Santa Fe announced it had closed for the season in response to the virus.

The Mid-Region Council of Governments (MRCOG) and Rio Metro Transit District directed the Rail Runner to cease operations.

The state has set up two numbers for New Mexicans.

 For health-related issues, call: 1-855-600-3453

For other issues, call: 1-833-551-0518

All Health Department COVID-19 information available here:

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