Gwyneth Doland Leaves Foundation for Open Government

The nonprofit's executive director wants to get back into journalism.

Gwyneth Doland announced today that she's stepping down from the Foundation for Open Government—a nonprofit that advocates for government transparency.

As the executive director of the Albuquerque-based nonprofit, Doland oversaw FOG's efforts at outreach, advocacy and education about state and local open government issues in New Mexico. The fight for transparency kept Doland busy. She could be spotted testifying for open government issues in legislative committee meetings or in the Roundhouse on her cellphone, helping reporters and citizens access public records and meetings through FOG's open government hotline.

She says she's departing FOG because, "I would like to reconnect with writing and working in television—and do a little bit more of the journalism I love."

Before being appointed as FOG's executive director, among other jobs, Doland had worked in broadcasting at Albuquerque's PBS affiliate, Channel 5, as a correspondant, host and producer; edited the now defunct news website, the New Mexico Independent; and worked as the special sections/food editor here at SFR.

During her 14-month tenure at the nonprofit, FOG scored victories in open government court cases and in the Legislature. It helped, for instance, with the passage of a bill last session that expanded requirements for government bodies—like city councils—to post agendas 72 hours before meetings. FOG experienced some rocky times during Doland's tenure as well, with revelations that one of its board members, Pat Rogers, had been emailing top state officials on their private email accounts—in a possible attempt to circumvent the very public records law that FOG defends. FOG, however, worked with Gov. Susana Martinez, who later issued an executive order mandating that state employees use their official government email accounts when emailing about public business. Rogers later resigned from FOG's board.

Doland says that working with frustrated citizens and reporters—including those at SFR—to make government more open was a "tremendously rewarding" experience.

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"My proudest accomplishment over the past year has been empowering so many young reporters and avid city council watchers," she says, "empowering them with the tools they need to hold their government accountable."

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