Colossal Coral

Lynnette Wallworth’s Coral: Rekindling Venus is a film that is screening at this year’s prestigious Sundance Film Festival. In addition to its Sundance debut, and for a limited time Coral is being screened at the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science’s Planetarium.---

The NM History Museum is one out of 14 Sundance outreach sites across the nation that is screening the film.

The film’s gala premiere is on January 25 from 6-9 pm. Directly following the screening, filmmaker Lynnette Wallworth will be present for a Q&A session with audience members.

On the film’s official website, Wallworth’s artist’s statement explains what her aim in making the film was, and what she hopes viewers take away from the experience:

Watching the film’s trailer, there is no doubt that Coral is a fully immersive cinematic experience. The film inundates your vision with lush, vibrant images, and the emotionally resonant musical score compliments the images well.

Interestingly, Wallworth has a connection to New Mexico. She worked at the Planetarium at the New Mexico History Museum of Natural History as an intern in the beginning of her career:

Don’t miss your chance to see a Sundance film in Albuquerque and what’s sure to be a fascinating talk with the filmmaker.

Coral: Rekindling Venus Premiere: 6-9 pm Friday, Jan. 25. $20 adults; $18 members/seniors; $16 students. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, 1801 Mountain Road NW, ABQ 841-2800

The film screens from Jan. 19-27. For more information, go to

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