Teen Driver Had 0.0 blood alcohol

Dan Koffman has shared with us the printed results of daughter Avree's blood-alcohol test following the fatal crash of June 28. It was zero, with no alcohol detected. This is just an analysis of blood-alcohol, not a complete toxicology.

Scott Owens, the driver accused of driving drunk and killing Kate Klein, Julian Martinez, Alyssa Trouw and Rose Simmons, had a BAC of .16, double the legal limit.

Addendum: Just spoke with SF County Sheriff Greg Solano, who says he was told by the DA to go ahead and release the BAC info, after DA Pacheco had initially said it would not be released, because a. they heard Larry Barker had it and was planning to release it tonight on the news and b. the Health Department had it and was planning to release it under public records' request.

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