It ends

So the ads for The Hangover Part III tell us [ok]

(Tijuana state of mind: Galifianakis and the pack head south for The Hangover Part III.)

The final (?) chapter in what’s become The Hangover Saga serves up a different plot from its predecessors. Remember when Chow (Ken Jeong) kidnapped Black Doug (Mike Epps) in Las Vegas? New character Black Doug’s boss (John Goodman) is really angry with Phil (Bradley Cooper), Stu (Ed Helms) and Alan (Zach Galifianakis) about that, and he wants revenge on Chow. But Chow, who was imprisoned in Part II, has escaped and is on the run. What to do?

There aren’t many surprises, and there are times when Alan is such an asshole he’s tough to take; any of the sweetness—really—he projected in the first chapter is gone. But Jeong and Cooper have some good moments, and there’s great use of Black Sabbath’s “N.I.B.” on the soundtrack.

Note: Part III is darker than either of the other two Hangovers. (Maybe that’s what makes it better.) The elder abuse jokes aren’t funny, but give Director and Co-writer Todd Phillips credit for throwing in the kitchen sink.

So, is The Hangover Part III really good, or just so much better than Part II that it seems good? And how’s that for an endorsement? The second film is so bad the third is better by default. 

Directed by Todd Phillips
With Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms and Zach Galifianakis

Regal Santa Fe Stadium 14
100 min.


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