7 Days

7 Days

for the week of June 5, 2024

1. State Public Education Department pushes for new rules for student meals

in which Flamin’ Hot Cheetos are no longer a food group

2. NM health department reports first case of measles in three years

Too bad there’s not a vaccine for that

3. State Republican Party Chairman Steve Pearce calls Trump’s 34 felony convictions “a dangerous precedent to set for democracy”

By which we assume he meant to say “for demagoguery”

4. National cyber director visits NM to give tips to local school officials

Learn more by emailing schoolr4learning&stuff@hotmail.com

5. Santa Fe votes in primary election

And now we can officially start panicking about November

6. Judge rejects Meta’s motion to dismiss NM’s lawsuit against it over child predators

What’s the best “you’re screwed” emoji?

7. NM district court judge grants Mark Zuckerberg’s motion to be released from state lawsuit against Meta over child predators

But rejects his friend request

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