7 Days

7 Days



1. Santa Fe Airport manager thinks certain people may want to get married at the airport.

Like people who are stranded there due to lack of transportation.

2. State House and Senate Republican leaders won’t seek reelection, say they want to spend more time with their families.

New group, Wives Against Redistricting, expected to form momentarily.

3. US Supreme Court rejects former Otero County Commissioner/Cowboys for Trump founder Couy Griffin’s appeal to return to office.

Maybe he should move to Colorado.

4. Feature film Eddington will be made and set in New Mexico and reportedly include a plot-line in which a couple heading to LA runs out of gas in a small charming NM town and soon discovers the nightmare underneath.

So, a documentary.

5. PornHub disables access in Texas over age verification law

As if Texans weren’t already stressed out.

6. No new prez at New Mexico State University as school says no-go to all finalist candidates

A tough blow for white dudes, indeed.

7. Santa Fe National Forest fees delayed to 2025

Do you pay by tree viewed, or is it, like, a bundle deal?

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