
3-Min Film Fest Winners Reel

Local creators from Santa Fe’s emerging and established filmmaking community

(SFR File Photo)

Forget the Oscars shorts shortlist! See here a collection of local short films submitted to the Santa Fe Reporter’s 3-Minute Film Festival. Following sold-out showings at the CCA, we’re pleased to present the reel for your viewing pleasure at home (or wherever you are.)

Each film, selected by a local juried panel of filmmakers, creators and artists, reflects Santa Fe’s emerging and established filmmaking community.

-Monsters-Mara Padilla, Dylan Tenorio and Katy Gross

-Hack the Doc—Kelley Van Dilla

-Walk in Beauty—Ehren Kee Natay

-Couch Potato—Bliss Holloway

-Bonanza Creek—James Lutz

-ASL Sounds—Joanne Lefrak/SITE Santa Fe

-Natation—Dave Perlis

-Outer West—Jake Leister

-Artistic Pursuits—Bronson Dunphy

-Zillow—Dylan Tenorio

-Shhh—Renzo Black

-NO LAND—Shannon Latham

-How and When to Use an Eraser—Dara Yen Elerath

-BLANK—Roxanne Darling

-The Squirrel Slip—Patty Bilbro and Lon Swantz

-For a Time Beyond Language—Tracy Szatan

The final three films are the winning films:

(3rd Place) A Deep and Gorgeous Thirst—Hosho McCreesh

(2nd Place) Flowering—Daniel Kathalynas

(1st Place) Minecraft Santa Fe—Dylan Tenorio and Ehren Kee Natay

Read an SFR cover story about the Minecraft project here.

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