Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor: Aug. 21, 2024

BOSF, private equity and toilets

(ZUMA Press, Inc. / Alamy Stock P)

Cover story, July 31:Best of Santa Fe 2024

Write On

I am thrilled that The Santa Fe Reporter readers picked The Way of the Bear as the best book by a Santa Fe author. I love that book, too!

Santa Fe has long been a nurturing place for writers, and has become even more so in the decades in which I’ve lived here. The creative writing programs at the Institute of American Indian Arts, the classes in poetry, fiction and more at Santa Fe Community College, the encouragement and support high school writers receive at the New Mexico School for the Arts, the stimulation provided by the Santa Fe International Literary Festival and the camaraderie offered by NMWriters.org and the long-established New Mexico Book Association—what a wealth of acknowledgement that stories matter! On top of that, our wonderful bookstores and public libraries give writers and readers more encouragement.

I am enormously grateful to have my book acknowledged and even happier to be part of such a supportive and generous community.

Anne Hillerman Santa Fe

Letters, Aug. 14:Private equity does public good

Good for Whom?

Private Equity may have great financial returns for its investors, but it’s a disaster for consumers and workers without public sector job security. Mr. Maloney’s letter is a public relations piece worthy of the best of that genre.

Fred King Santa Fe

Cover story, Aug. 14:SOL

Potty Talk

I agree with the author!

Nice CLEAN public access toilets do not need to have $1 million price tags.

Hawaii, Japan, Greece and many other places can have simple and inviting places to relieve oneself and feel safe. Why not Santa Fe??

Port-A-Potties are NOT the answer!

Kari Hendra, Santa Fe

More Zane, Please

Please more reports from Zane Fischer. The “SOL” piece on public restrooms cover piece is great writing. I have sorely missed his writing.

P Tyrrell, Santa Fe

Letters to the Editor

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