Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor


Letters to the Editor, May 11: “Feeling Furious”

Stranger Danger

I could not agree more with Odalis Pacheco about gentrification. As a life-long New Mexican, watching the take over of money and privilege is heartbreaking. It is like someone knocks on your door, you invite them in, they look around and commence as follows, after saying how much they ‘love your house’. They rearrange/throw out the furniture, straighten adobe walls, strip the yard of our beautiful native drought tolerant grasses and plants, replace them with boutique water sucking varieties, elect a water-wasteful mayor, and as a final hurrah after forcing us out, since we can’t afford to live here now, lock out the dangerous locals. So much for our hometown.

Sina Brush, Santa Fe

News, May 11: “Winds of Change”

Issue at Hand

It’s easy to blame a single person for making a bad judgment (conducting a controlled burn in the spring). However, that person did not cause all of the other fires in New Mexico and across the Southwest. That person did not cause the record wind, drought, and ever-higher temperatures.

All of these weather disasters have their origins in global climate change. Even though they get worse every year, two politicians running for governor insist it isn’t happening. How can either of these candidates provide solutions, when they won’t even admit the problem exists? Don’t they see the smoke?

I urge that all voters consider climate change in the upcoming election. This isn’t just an issue; it really is the future for your children and grandchildren.

Marc Bonem, Santa Fe

Letters to the Editor

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