Letters to the Editor


Books, July 8: “Reading in the Arroyo: An Occasional Column About Books”

Curanderismo Wisdom

I very much appreciated your recent article on Rudolfo Anaya's passing, an author whose writings were filled with so much heart and soul. Some time ago, I was funded by the Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) to write about therapies that expand the healing spectrum for individuals with disabilities, especially spinal cord injury. One of these therapies was curanderismo, a traditional mind-body-spirit approach to healing that was emphasized in Anaya's classic Bless Me, Ultima. Although researching the topic extensively, I was having difficulty relating it to PVA's spinal cord injury focus. Given his expertise, I solicited Anaya's input, not knowing this disability was especially relevant to him. He kindly provided the needed connection, specifically stating: "Years ago I suffered a spinal cord injury. During that trauma the soul suffered as much as the body. I worked to get my body back in shape, but it took me years to learn that in order to cure the trauma (susto). I also had to go back and reintegrate my soul. Teachings such as curanderismo helped me greatly." I was exceedingly grateful for the assistance of this gifted soul.

Laurance Johnston
Santa Fe

Online, July 1: “NM Gov: Visitors Must Quarantine and Mask-Violators Will be Fined”

Highway Checkpoints?

The responsible action at this point is to have temperature and testing by trained authorities at every road entrance into New Mexico from Texas and Arizona. Any vehicle with an Arizona or Texas license plate must be stopped and checked. This is critical.

Michael Tobias
Santa Fe

Recreational Use

I support this, but…how do we quarantine the hundreds of visitors coming into the Gila National Forest every day from Texas, Arizona, California? How does this possibly get enforced?

Patrice Mutchnick
Via Facebook

Letters to the Editor

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