In this chaotic marketing world, pre-COVID, during lockdown, and now that everyone is “back on stage,” the Santa Fe Reporter has had The Santa Fe Symphony Orchestra & Chorus covered and “had my back” personally time after time—keeping us in the spotlight weekly for our numerous concerts, special gatherings, galas and free community events around Santa Fe each month. That said, I want to give a HUGE shout-out to the entire team at the Reporter—from ideas to press, and everything in between. (You are a small team of extremely talented individuals that get a ton of information out each week and I’m not sure that people realize how much you are all working it over there!) With special thanks to Advertising Director Robyn Desjardins, it really feels like we are working at the same organization many days. You have our season all mapped out and ready to go before it even begins, and you don’t find that kind of customer service everywhere.
I’m always chuffed when we are in this cool and funky publication that manages to spread the word about the endless performing and visual art events happening all over Santa Fe each week. Let’s face it, there is a lot going on! And we all love it. For what is truly a pretty small town, we are fortunate to have a plethora of entertainment choices in the City of Santa Fe. From a marketing perspective, this requires me to be on top of my game with so many incredible performances going on in Santa Fe on any given night. Thank goodness we have an amazing product—our musicians rock.
Upon moving to Santa Fe in 2001, it became apparent to me how critically important it is to support local businesses, especially our local publications that help get the word out about the music and art scenes, plus so much more. SFR is one of the main “go to” publications of fun and unique things to do in Santa Fe each week, and frankly something we can’t live without—if we like getting out of the house that is …Although! Our virtual performances on have received tons of recognition from SFR too—and you don’t need to leave the house for these offerings.
SFR has not once let me down and has always found a way to get the symphony in the spotlight, even last minute, when we have something cool and unique that we want to share with the community. I love seeing what sparks the interests of SFR journalists throughout the year. We can count on them to share articles about our concerts with an interesting twist or call out the eccentricities of our phenomenal guest artists. Never boring … ever.
The Santa Fe Reporter keeps us in the running and, as a nonprofit, we couldn’t reach the broad audience that we do without this innovative publication. Every Wednesday you hear “Did you grab a Reporter?” “Can you get me the Reporter?” “I left a Reporter on your desk!” “Did you see the Reporter?” “For the love of God, does anyone have a Reporter?”
Kathryn Nun, Creative Director for The Santa Fe Symphony Orchestra & Chorus
This letter is part of the annual year-end campaign for Friends of the Reporter, a community model for supporting our journalism mission. Our newspaper and website remain free. Will you give the gift of journalism? Can you help offset the cost of paper, distribution and newsgathering? Donate now and double the contribution! New Mexico Local News fund will match up to $5,000 in donations through Dec. 31. Plus, those who give before Dec. 8 can enter to win free tickets to The Nutcracker, returning live after a two-year hiatus. Visit, to make a one-time or recurring donation or via check at PO Box 4910, Santa Fe, NM 87502.