
Is it worth giving up my naptime?

I’m a cat, and I count on SFR

(Courtesy Instagram / @ haydenfold)

Oh hi! I’m Hayden. I’m a cat. A Scottish-Fold, in fact.

I can read. But why should I when I have servants who do that for me? Each Wednesday I remind one of them to pick up a Santa Fe Reporter, so I can make my weekend plans and learn news I can't get anywhere else.

Is it worth giving up my naptime to get all gussied up to see the latest Opera? It usually is, but my go-to reviews are in the Reporter.

Where can I get the best sushi and 'nip in Santa Fe? I rely on the Reporter's weekly email The Fork, and their reviews of new places in town.

And every morning with my espresso I enjoy The Morning Word email, which summarizes and links to the top news stories in the state.

But you know my absolute favorite thing I love about the Santa Fe Reporter? Every year they produce special guides, including the Best of Santa Fe. I love it because I've been in the Top 3 for Best Instagram Feeds for two years (@haydenfold). So clearly readers of SFR know good content when they see it.

The Reporter covers every aspect of life in Santa Fe, and makes my life better and easier. And as a cat, what's more important than that?

-Hayden Professor of vacant cardboard boxes and their volumetric composition

Letters to the Editor

Mail letters to PO Box 4910 Santa Fe, NM 87502 or email them to editor[at] Letters (no more than 200 words) should refer to specific articles in the Reporter. Letters will be edited for space and clarity.

We also welcome you to follow SFR on social media (on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) and comment there. You can also email specific staff members from our contact page.