Dave Guests on The Line: Prop 8, China, Death Row

So, yeah....I was a guest on the KNME current events show

specifically the panel discussion, "The Line":

Santa Feans, you'll want to skip to 8:50 to get to the good stuff. The first segment is about Albuquerque ditches and ditch boards and, as you might imagine, I had absolutely nothing to say about either.

I did however jabber on LGBT rights, reverse racism, the Chinese and the death penalty. Sometimes, though, watching these embedded things, I wonder about my internal filter. I never took that poke at Joe Monahan, but I did get to correct Whitney Cheshire.

Props to Kathy Wimmer at KNME, host Gene Grant and the rest of the fine regular panel. A special terrorist fist jab to Jim Scarantino and Gene and for giving me lifts to and from the station and to David Alire Garcia for the embed code.

Cross-posted at Maassive.com

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