Letters to the Editor


News, February 1: “Picking a Fight with Big Soda”

Whimpering Lies

What complete BS from the Coke employees, whining around about how they might lose their jobs. This tax is inevitable; it is to pay for kids going to pre-K. It is not a sin tax, and not meant to prevent nor to penalize obesity. I remember the same objections about losing jobs were heard in the New Mexico legislature 10 years ago about banning aspartame, the artificial sweetener. ... [Aspartame lobbyists] will be replaced in this coming battle with the mayor by many earnest-acting Coke employees. Santa Fe's City Council, and then the voters in the special election, must see right through them.

Coke is monstrously profitable. ... Our children need pre-K, and there will not be any drop in sales for Coca-Cola, no matter what whimpering lies their lobbyists tell you.

Stephen Fox
Santa Fe

More Harm than Good

This tax is ridiculous! Coca-Cola in Santa Fe isn't owned by "Big Soda," it's a family-run company. It'll end up hurting our already pricey economy. ... I think the mayor can do better, this tax will end up causing more harm than good.

Amanda Apodaca
via Facebook

Damn Lefties

I'm really beginning to hate living in this leftist town. I like government that is non-intrusive, and that's not Fanta Se land.

Brian Piotrowski
via Facebook


The sugar tax is a win/win for kids. If people buy these drinks, kids win with decent early education. If people avoid these drinks, their kids win by escaping obesity and Type 2 diabetes.

Kris Ota
Santa Fe

Cover, February 1: “How to Have Drama-Free Group Sex”

Ew, Gross

Not that the Reporter cares about this one person's opinion, but I am unfollowing the Reporter right this second. "Don't feel ashamed if you're not ready for group sex"? This is a weird type of backwards brainwashing and I can't believe this is considered newsworthy journalism.

Christy Claes
via Facebook

Editor's Note: At SFR, stories in a special issue devoted to Love & Sex which promote and encourage consensual, legal fun are always newsworthy.

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Letters to the Editor

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