Letters to the Editor


News, November 2: “Leafy Green Substance”

Let Us Decide

Santa Fe Police Chief Patrick Gallagher says, "What I can do is list circumstances in which it may be appropriate to issue a civil citation." If the chief, and the city, would put in place an open data philosophy and process related to stops and citations, the "circumstances" would be listed online for police, citizens and the City Council to see and analyze.

JT Johnson

Vague is as Vague Does

One gets the impression it is left to law enforcement's discretion what the penalty is—the worst possible way to enforce vague laws.

Rachel Cogent

News, October 26: “Setting the Date”

Who’s Afraid...?

Thank you for the recent article on the Mexican wolf recovery plan. I recently visited the Grand Canyon and thought how much more complete the experience would be with the howls of a wolf pack as a soundscape, as once [there was]. Mexican gray wolves have an essential place throughout the Southwest and, except for our unreasonable hatred of animals that like to eat some of the same things that humans do, would be present and thriving today without our assistance. We went to great efforts to drive them to extinction, so we now have to work equally hard to ensure their survival.

Let's do everything necessary to make that happen based on best science, not politics.

Evalyn Bemis
Santa Fe

Come See the Wolves!

Thank you posting an excellent article about the history of the Mexican wolves' plight. As a person that enjoys the outdoors, I think this is a critical issue that needs to be resolved. Thirty-plus years is a long time to vacillate on a plan that is supported by sound science. I like to spend my entertainment dollars visiting places where I can see wolves in their natural habitat. I would truly enjoy the opportunity to see these in the wild.

Jan Anderson
Davidson, NC

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Letters to the Editor

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