Letters to the Editor


Blue Corn, Feb. 10: “Shut Your Big Trap”

No Reverence

While hiking in Los Alamos County in 2014, my 12-year-old heeler got caught in a steel jaw trap inches from a trail. Fortunately, one of our party knew how to release her. It took three of us to free her. I will never forget the screams from her, nor will my life ever be the same. Since that day, I have been on a quest to ban these horrific and barbaric devices. I own and train search-and-rescue dogs; the thought of one of our highly trained dogs getting trapped makes me wonder why I do search-and-rescue. What do these things say about society or our reverence for wildlife? Thanks for bringing the awareness to light, again.

Terry Dubois

News, Feb. 3: “Build a Better Bike ­Program”

Pay for the Bikes

There must be a way to subsidize bikes for those without cell phones and credit cards. As a society, we have to take care of everyone, especially those most in need. It's not ok to just appeal to the tourists, but maybe the income from the tourists could help subsidize local use.

And what about an ad campaign encouraging those of us with unused bikes to donate them to Chainbreaker?

Millie Mcfarland
Santa Fe

Morning Word, Feb. 11: “City Council Asks ...”

Too Many Chiefs

Too many people at the top not doing much of anything. Same way in the schools. We spend far too much in administration with little or no results.

Melissa Williams
via Facebook

News, Jan. 27: “Sellers’ Market”

Bail on Bail-Out

Thanks for your article on PNM. Uranium price is down 70 percent, coal down 70 percent, natural gas down 50 percent. PNM responds by saying this makes power more expensive to generate! And now they want to buy their Palo Verde leases at well over double the book price—"irrelevant" data, apparently—and make us pay for it.

Can you say "bail-out"? Is our tainted Corporation Commission going to go along with this?

Barry Hatfield
Santa Fe

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Letters to the Editor

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