Letters to the Editor


Cover, July 29: “Best of Santa Fe”

Sweet Image

Cholo Gothic...sweet.

Ernest Aguirre
via Facebook

Not the Cathedral

Using the Cathedral with the woman and title isn't the best choice. I can see where many Catholics and others in the "City of Holy Faith" would be offended, but something tells me SFR knows this and is going for a controversial cover.

Tomas Mas
via Facebook

From our art director: This artistic interpretation of the lowrider culture was a commissioned work by Grant Kosh. We will not censor nor ignore its commentary just because a predictable number of you are offended. We see a well-executed artistic celebration of the female form, a great classic car and a beloved edifice. As with any piece of art, observers ultimately decide what they get out of it.

News, July 29: “Teaching New Teachers”

Be Your Own Change

This is such a great new opportunity for finding a solution to developing teachers in an ever changing global world and workforce. Congrats to all the fellows who are willing to take a chance, be the disruption for how things have always been, and create something new, exciting and different for the students in New Mexico.

Be the change you want to see in the world, and look forward with passion to make it better.

Danny Corbin Kelley

A&C, July 29: “A Fire That Burns”

Be Your Own Change

I saw this back in 1994. Leslie Harrell Dillon is amazing [as Mabel Dodge Luhan]. Everyone should go see this.

Annie Lux

Letters to the Editor

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